Meet the Team

Mandy Chou
Director of My Tango body
Southern California Tango Championship & Festival Stage Tango Champion
ATUSA Official USA Tango de Pista Finalist,
ATUSA Official USA Stage Tango Finalist,
ATUSA Official USA Tango Vals, 3rd place
Mandy Chou is a former celebrity dance instructor and performer in Taiwan who worked with Time Dance Studio. During her time there, she had an impressive career working with various artists and collaborating on world tour concerts. She also had the opportunity to choreograph for popular TV shows such as Hunan Satellite TV's, Strictly Come Dancing, which further showcased her skills as a dancer and choreographer.
Mandy's decision to move to New York in 2013 was a significant milestone in her career as a dancer and choreographer. By signing a contract with one of the biggest dance studios- Dance With Me USA, she gained access to a wealth of resources and opportunities to further develop her skills and creativity.
Working with top dancers from around the world was a valuable experience for Mandy, as it allowed her to exchange ideas and learn new techniques and styles. Collaborating with these dancers also provided her with the opportunity to put on truly spectacular performances that showcased her artistry and skills. Mandy’s dedication brings her many opportunities to work on a variety of projects, including music videos, commercials, and live events. These experiences helped her to develop a versatile skill set and a deeper understanding of the dance industry as a whole.
Mandy's time at Dance With USA was a transformative period in her career, and it set the stage for her continued success as a dancer, choreographer, and instructor.
Mandy's partnership with Orlando Reyes has been a significant development in her career as a Tango dancer and performer. As a champion dancer, Orlando brings a wealth of experience, expertise, and skill to their performances, and his collaboration with Mandy since 2017 has resulted in some truly impressive and memorable stage Tango!
Southern California Tango Championship & Festival Stage Tango 冠軍,2024
ATUSA 官方美國 Tango de Pista 決賽入圍者, 2023年
ATUSA 官方美國舞台探戈決賽入圍者, 2023年
ATUSA 美國官方 Tango Vals,第三名 2023年
我的探戈身體的導演 Mandy Chou
曾任台灣名人舞蹈導師及演員(歐陽菲菲, 郭富城, 劉德華, 王力宏, 羅大佑, 蕭煌奇與劉真),曾就職於台北時代舞蹈學苑(台灣專業舞蹈學苑)。在那期間,她與音樂藝術家合作並參與世界巡迴演唱會,取得了令人印象深刻的職業生涯。於2012年她參與湖南衛視《舞動奇蹟》等熱門節目編舞,進一步展現了她的舞者和編舞實力。
Mandy 於 2013 年移居紐約的決定是她舞蹈家和編舞生涯中的一個重要里程碑。與全美最大的舞蹈教室- Dance With Me USA 簽約,獲得了豐富的資源和機會,也進一步發展自己的技能和創造力。 與來自世界各地的頂級舞者合作對 Mandy 來說是非常寶貴的經歷,因為這讓她能夠交流創作想法並學習新的技巧和風格。與這些世界頂尖舞者合作也讓她有源源不斷的演出機會與開拓歐美授教邀請。
Mandy 的專業態度給她帶來了很多參與各種項目的機會,包括音樂視頻、廣告和現場活動。這些經歷幫助她培養了多才多藝的技能,並對整個舞蹈行業有了更深入的了解。 Mandy 在 Dance With USA 的時間是她職業生涯中的一個變革時期,這為她作為舞者、編舞和教練的持續成功奠定了基礎。 Mandy 與 Orlando Reyes 的合作在她作為探戈舞者和表演者的職業生涯中取得了重大進展。作為冠軍舞者,Orlando為他們的表演帶來更多豐富的經驗、專業知識和技巧,自 2017 年以來他與Mandy的合作帶來了一些真正令人印象深刻和令人難忘的SOLO探戈!

Juan Alessandri
Organizer of Santa Milonga US
Forever Tango Argentine Tango School
Perform at the famous stage production Souls of Tango, NYC
La Noche Mas Larga" Festival in Argentina and with the Symphony of New Jersey in a show dedicated to Astor Piazzolla.
Camarada Tango Show- as a performer and choreographer
Juan Alessandrini's passion for tango started at a young age, coming from a professional Tango family. He has since become an accomplished teacher and performer, having been invited to teach at Forever Tango's Authentic Argentine Tango School in the United States. Over the last decade, he has choreographed at various events and shows, including the "La Noche Mas Larga" Festival in Argentina and with the Symphony of New Jersey in a show dedicated to Astor Piazzolla.
Juan is a talented performer who has showcased his skills in various shows and events such as Souls of Tango, Tango Show in Grand Central, and Camarada Tango Show, which he also choreographed. He has also performed at numerous dance events including Santa Milonga, Firehouse Tango, and DANZNIK Studio NYC. Juan has been featured in the music video "Que pena" by Sony Music recording artist MALUMA, which has more than 300 million views on YouTube. And also choreographed the entire music video Eyes That Stare for the most popular singer Sophia Anglica.
Juan is a skilled Tango instructor who teaches both traditional style and Tango Nuevo. He believes in the importance of learning the authentic principles of Tango to provide a strong foundation for any dancer. emphasizes the significance of leading and following techniques, embracing, and interpreting the music. He has performed in various shows across the USA including with Grammy winner Raul Jaurena's Trio and Leonardo Suarez Paz's Cuartango Show at the Argentine Consulate in New York City.
Juan Alessandrin 來自一個專業探戈家庭,他從小就對探戈產生了熱情。此後,他成為一名卓有成就的教師和表演者,並被邀請到美國 Forever Tango 的正宗阿根廷探戈學校任教。在過去的十年中,他在各種活動和演出中編排了舞蹈,包括阿根廷的“La Noche Mas Larga”音樂節以及與新澤西交響樂團合作的一場獻給阿斯特·皮亞佐拉的演出。
Juan 是一位才華橫溢的表演者,他在各種表演和活動中展示了自己的技巧,例如探戈之魂、大中央探戈秀以及他自己編舞的卡馬拉達探戈秀。他也曾在許多舞蹈活動中表演,包括 Santa Milonga、Firehouse Tango 和 DANZNIK Studio NYC。 Juan 出現在索尼音樂唱片藝術家 MALUMA 的音樂錄影帶“Que pena”中,該影片在 YouTube 上的觀看次數超過 3 億次。並為最受歡迎歌手索菲亞·安格利卡 (Sophia Anglica) 編排了整個音樂錄影帶《Eyes That Stare》。
Juan是一位熟練的探戈教練,教授傳統探戈風格和Tango Nuevo。他相信學習探戈的真實原理對於為任何舞者提供堅實的基礎非常重要。強調技巧的引領和跟隨、擁抱和詮釋音樂的意義。他曾在美國各地的各種演出中演出,包括與格萊美獎得主勞爾·豪雷納(Raul Jaurena) 的三重奏以及在紐約阿根廷領事館與萊昂納多·蘇亞雷斯·帕斯(Leonardo Suarez Paz) 的Cuartango Show 合作。

Orlando Reyes
Southern California Tango Championship & Festival Stage Tango Champion
ATUSA Official USA Tango de Pista Champion,
ATUSA Official USA Stage Tango Champion, 2019.
ATUSA Official USA Tango de Pista 2nd place, 2019.
Juilliard School faculty, Drama department, partnering specialist
Orlando Reyes has been a professional dancer and teacher of Argentine Tango for over twenty years. With a background in classical ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance, he went on to study Tango in Buenos Aires under the tutelage of renowned tango masters. His international performances and teachings include festivals and congresses in the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Aruba, Argentina, Canada, Indonesia, and his native country, Colombia. He is based in the United States of America since 2007 where he has taught and performed at many tango venues, schools, and universities nationwide.
In New York City, he was a choreographer and performer in the production, “Confianza” with ValeTango Company at the La MaMa Dance Festival, in April 2022. He performed with The Pan American Symphony Orchestra in Washington DC, in 2022 and between 2016-2019. Other performances in New York City include Stage Performance with Tango Malbec House, 2012-2014, group and duet choreography for “Mientras Tango”, in 2010 and 2012. He has also done duet choreography for the following plays: "Tango por Ellos" in 2009 (which received the nomination in the Latin ACE Award 2010 for Best Choreography), "Tango Connection" and "Tango Noir" in 2008 and 2009, "Tango Intimo", in 2008, and NY Tango Festival in 2007.
Southern California Tango Championship & Festival Stage Tango 冠軍,2024
ATUSA 官方美國 Tango de Pista 冠軍,2021 年。
ATUSA 官方美國舞台探戈冠軍,2019 年。
ATUSA 2019 年美國官方 Tango de Pista 副冠軍。
Orlando Reyes Ibarra 28 年的專業Tango舞蹈家和教練。擁有古典芭蕾、爵士和現代舞的背景,他在著名探戈大師的指導下繼續在布宜諾斯艾利斯學習探戈。他的國際表演和教學包括在阿拉伯聯合酋長國、埃及、阿魯巴島、阿根廷、加拿大、印度尼西亞和他的祖國哥倫比亞舉行的節日和大會。自 2007 年以來,他常駐美國紐約,在全國許多探戈場所、學校和大學教授和表演。 在紐約市,他在 2022 年 4 月的 La MaMa 舞蹈節上與 ValeTango Company 一起擔任製作“Confianza”的編舞和表演。他於 2022 年和 2016 年至 2016 年期間在華盛頓特區與泛美交響樂團合作演出。 2019.在紐約市的其他表演包括 2012-2014 年與 Tango Malbec House 的舞台表演,2010 年和 2012 年的“Mientras Tango”的群舞和二重奏編舞。他還為以下戲劇進行了二重奏編舞: 2009 年(獲得 2010 年拉丁 ACE 獎最佳編舞提名)、2008 年和 2009 年的“Tango Connection”和“Tango Noir”、2008 年的“Tango Intimo”和 2007 年的 NY Tango Festival。